Saturday, November 15, 2008

Good bye kyrie, hello silence!

A very early morning before kegan took kyrie home i caught her sleeping she was hugging her puppy isn't she cute!!
And so was kyrie later lil buddy we will miss you!!
Now we are with out a child running around the house and things get boring really quick, strange as it sounds i miss him bugging me already.


Anonymous said...

:( That kinda makes me sad. I think he had a good home with you. I hope things go well with his family!!

TooSure said...

I LOOOVE that you took some pictures for your blog! yeah! Kyrie was a cute boy, he seemed pretty well behaved. He was lucky to be with you two for little while.

Hot MMMama said...

Seeing the pictures is so fun!

I know what you mean about missing having a kids around to bug you. It is way to boring and quiet when my older two are gone at school for the day... but I am lucky, cause they always come home.

LIS G said...

Yah! You posted pictures! And a hot one of your wife.. Wonderful. I hope you guys don't miss the little one too much. You did so much to care for him.

rubberbucketsaysso said...

that had to stink a little, I know the house seems a bit empty when the kids are sleeping, let alone when I have some one take them for a little while so I can get some unpacking done ( without the kids repacking it or yelling at me for not holding them)

cjmom said...

I am sorry, that has to be so hard. Nathaniel, could you send me your address so I can send you an invitation to Thomas' wedding? Thanks, Love you, Aunt Cathy

Faminy o Chaos said...

dude..that cool, first pics ive seen. I think it hilarious that Sqwidgy (is that how its spelled?)is staring at you like..."see...I am the one she's hugging..." lol