Monday, September 1, 2008

the visit

Well its near the 1st of the month and no call yet but we have just been visited by family at least on Kegan's side. Her parents have come to see the baptism of there grandchild, our nephew. and to drop off a sudden gift, we are to be the temporary guardians of another nephew Kyrie Linville his mother had a mental break down. So we decided to help out and give him a place to live until she is ready to be mentally stable again. its kinda nice, but at the same time we are going to have to make a lot of changes. I hope we can be strong enough example too make a good impression on his life like all of our family was to me during our little split up. So i have decided the best thing is to make sure he at least has some religious backgrounds and values and started to take him to church the whole 3-4 hrs not just sacrament and we have started making meal times instead of his unusual snack hours he is used to its not something I'm really used to but we really do care for his well being and want the best for him even though we are not really his parents.


Anonymous said...

wow...thats some heavy stuff all the sudden. Im really proud of you guys- man. Wow..I hardly know what I would do if I were in that situation and you seem to have taken off running..almost as if you had just been waiting for the chance to do exactly this. I love you.
By the way, how old is he?

rubberbucketsaysso said...

you're insane! j/k. :) Kids are so fun, so frustrating, so awesome, so crazy to have around. I wish you guys luck, call if you need anything 801 907 0322, even if it's just to have another person to talk to, it can get difficult sometimes when you only talk to your spouse and get a fairly adult response back. I'm glad you are trying to give him a good base to run from, it is SO important for children to have a stable life with things they can expect.

samuraijack said...

khyree is 4 yrs going on 5

TooSure said...

wow, i just think that it is great that you and Kegan can be someone her family can rely on for support or help when they need it. Keep us updated on your parenting progress.

christianne said...

It's amazing how someone does something kind for us, such as the family that you lived with when your mom was dying, and years later we are in a position to do the same for someone else.

When I was a teenager I loved to stay with Don and Vivian. They shared all they had freely. When I was a mom I loved to have Kirsten and Becca come stay summers with us.

I think what you are doing is amazing. I am so sorry for Khyree's momma.