Sunday, September 7, 2008


well i finally got sick of waiting for an answer, to the Jailer job, so i went to the county office and asked if i could get a statis update of my application. they replied that i did not get the job and i didn't make the cut for the hiring list. which confused me cause the only way i couldn't make the cut was if i didn't pass my background check, and the only way that could happen is if someone didn't answer the phone. It just so happens Tom Smith refused to answer his phone, i think he did so on purpose because he was upset about not making the cut as far as i did. It just really makes me mad too see so many of my friends being so unreliable over silly things. maybe thats part of growing up but it still sucks so now i'm looking for other things, pretty much anything now. cross your fingers i hope i get a fair paying job soon.


Anonymous said...

NO WAY!! That makes me so mad! Can't you go thru the whole thing again and just have better references?? Like NOT Tom? I hope he has a good explanation because that makes him sound really petty. Well..who knows, maybe it wasn't meant to be. What kind of a job do you want? How much per hour? Maybe I can do some searching too..

rubberbucketsaysso said...

Hopefully that wasn't the reason anyways, like the other guy they just liked better for some reason, idk. I pray you get a good job soon, I know how frustrating and stir-crazy it makes you to not have one. I get itchy and twitchy just THINKING about how that was like for us. Sorry bout that. And were you using him as a professional refrence? next time, use me, I worked with you back when Cory was doing his eagle project, not to mention all the times we gardened, etc :)

TooSure said...

Have you tried looking on That thing is updated like every second with new jobs. idk, just a thought. Good luck!

Bloo Ruin said...

unfortunately craiglist is pretty limited in Idaho. I walked Bean through this back before he got the last job.

It had a few..but most were far away and migrant worker type jobs..and they were few of them at that.

Hot MMMama said...

I am sorry for the job disappointment. But really, I couldn't believe they never called to let you know you were not hired. Seems like bad management to not let the interviewers know when they have made their decision. Lame, better to work for a better managed company anyway.

Good luck, keep us updated.