Friday, December 21, 2007

happy brother

A lil happy note for all you bloggers out there who are reading me on occasion, I have just received a flashback. I get those often, mostly vivid memories from Iraq. Today's flashback was a happy one. A while ago Elisabeth was about too undertake a big trip, her first big trip driving herself from Montana too Utah. Quite a few hours, and difficult if you have never done it before, especially in the snow as was in this case. She gave me a call, and asked me to accompany her. I cashed in my check and off i went too the McIntyres via the commuter Bus known as Grayhound (i feel as if im writing a story, but im not cause its true! ahaha!) in a nut shell the ride sucked on the way up, maybe some other time I will recount my "Pickle Jar Story" but the trip finally landed me close enough too great falls too get a ride too Kirsten's. We had an awesome time playing with McKensie and Madison as well as ...Shelby isnt it i think so... if not im sorry im a bad uncle or im just not very good at remembering names on the spot. :) Ok so we got ready for the ride and we said a prayer before we left yes we prayed cause we neeeded it and we listened to Brian as he did all of our double checks for us, Thanks by the way Brian, we did pick up a gas can on the way out just too be safe. The trip went off with out a hitch we had no problems with Elisabeth's new car as we traveled until roughly about 10 miles from Butte,(i love saying that Butt, Butt , Buttt! ok that's enough!) the car sputtered and coughed and died as we were traveling up the hill, much too Elisabeth's exsasperation we were able too get the vehicle another 10 miles and pull into a gas station after messing around with our gas cans(thanks again Brian) so we pulled in too Butte and gased up things were looking good when we took off, but the roads were icy and just as we were merging into traffic from the on-ramp we slid, and not just any slide but a major slide. Now being as I have experienced so many wrecks in my life, i started too dictate every bump before they happened too Elisabeth ( so as not too scare her ) and keep her informed cause that what big brothers do (sounds silly huh!). well we came out fairly well i only received 2 broken ribs and a couple of bruises and scrapes nothing i haven't experienced before (in a karate tournament that is) and Elisabeth only suffered mostly from shock and some back pains thank you prayer! I was so happy too be there at that moment cause i'm usefull in car crash incidents really i know a lot about recovering from a wreck from shock all the way too clearing vehicles and paramedic training, and i was there too help Elisabeth. It still makes me a lil teary eyed just thinking about how good i felt too be a releif too Elisabeth. We rented a car and drove the rest of the way too Utah, and returned with oh so helpfull John in the snowy blizzardy weather too get Elisabeths car. So yeah that my Blog just a silly memory from the past don't know why it hit me so hard too day but it did and there it is. Sorry if i embarassed you Elisabeth but its my story too and i'm gonna tell it my way, cause that 's what i am a good story teller more or less with out the puncuating and such i love you and Merry Christmas!


Bloo Ruin said...

oh...yess the pickle jar story...yess... i think that should be your next blog entry. "right by the pickle jar".

And always remember...."Stay on target...Stay on target......Stay on target.."

LIS G said...

I have this awful fear of the snow.. driving in it I mean. I get major anxiety over it. I have to kill my fear.. but I can't help but say a prayer the entire time that I have to drive just a few blocks through it. That memory has been floating over me over the past month.. Dan can't understand why I'm so scared. I read him the story in hopes that he would understand. Lucky for me, my brakes went out on my car.. we fixed them by bleeding the lines, but one of the lines was stripped.. and we couldn't bleed it. Dan doesn't want me driving in the snow with my brakes in such bad shape. I would have to say that you (nathaniel)told the story just as I remember it. Pretty vividly written. ( how does it come as a flashback? is it different than a memory?)

samuraijack said...

oh yeah way different a memory just hits you nice and so a flashback is more like your right there in the moment

Anonymous said...

wow. I don't mean this to be rude but I didn't know Nathaniel could write. I mean usually its always so crazy and a little hard to follow but this time, it was like I was right there with you. Very well written and Im glad you shared it. You are an excellent big brother..and an excellent little one. Merry Christmas my sweetness :) Yes, you are sweet.
by the way, I need you and Kegan's me if you think to.

TooSure said...

pretty good story....i think that is the first time i have really fully understood it. i think lis was just so shaken up that she couldn't quick include all the details.

You are a pretty good story teller... minus the grammar. I I really want to go and edit everything for you, change a few of the words and also add a few periods and commas for you. Love ya!

rubberbucketsaysso said...

ha ha anne! I was thinking the same thing all the way through that! I think we inherited Gran's neuroses. ;) Anyways, I always just thought you just bumped your knee in that wreck, not broke your ribs. ugh. NOT fun. Glad you're used to having broken bones tho, it all started in California.... I think. And lisbeth, we know you have a fear of snow driving, I don't think it helped when we ran off the road in New Mexico. But Nate is proud of you, you didn't try to steer out of it, but just let the car go, which is the best thing you can do. He thinks that's awesome. Oh- Damian has the cutest sleigh bed now! We're so excited. Love you all!!

Hot MMMama said...

Nuffy, That was a scary scary day for me too. We all left for trips that morning, remember, when you and Lis where loading the car her hair froze solid just by going from the front porch to the driveway. I wanted to tell you both to stay and wait out the weather, but we were heading north that day too. As we drove we had ice on the INSIDE of our car!! It is the only time I have every had that happen. So cold. I think about 2 degrees outside. I was so scared when neither of you called for hours and hourrs, then finally Lisbeth called telling us you'd gotten in a wreck and I felt so awful. But over all the worry, I was so so grateful that you came up for that drive with her. It was so wonderful to see you and spend a few days together, but even more of a relief that you had each other to lean on. Some people need another loved one to get through a tough time and some people need to know they are helping care for another loved one to get through a tough time. I think you both were there for each other.

Also, you never told me you broke your ribs either?.... were you trying to "take care of me" by not telling all the details and saving me from the worry?

Sounds like you. ;-) I love you Nathaniel. Thanks for being you!